Diagnóza: manžel učiteľky
Článok bol uverejnený v tlačenom vydaní SME utorok 5.4.2011
Ako je to s našimi univerzitami
Článok bol v tejto forme dva krát odmietnutý (sme, týždeň)
- Filo and Pluschke:
An approximation of the axially symmetric flow through a pipe-like domain
with a moving part of a boundary. Boundary Value Problems 2013, 2013:241
- Filo Jan, Pluschke Volker:
A self-similar solution for the porous medium equation in a two-component domain,
Nonlinear Analysis 75 (2012) 880-898
- Filo Jan, Zauskova Anna:
2D Navier-Stokes Equations in a Time Dependent Domain with Neumann Type Boundary Conditions,
Journal of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics 12 (2010) 1-46
- Filo Jan, Pluschke Volker:
The porous medium equation in a two-component domain,
Journal of Differential Equations 247 (2009) 2455-2484
- Fila Marek, Filo Jan, Lieberman Gary:
Blow-up on the boundary for the heat equation,
Calculus of Variations and PDE 10 (2000) 85-99
- Filo Jan, Luckhaus Stephan:
Homogenization of a boundary condition for the heat equation,
Journal of the European Mathematical Society 2 (2000) 217-258
- Filo Jan, Luckhaus Stephan:
Modelling surface runoff and infiltration of rain by an elliptic-parabolic equation coupled with a first-order equation on the boundary,
Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 148 (1999) 157-182
- Filo Jan, Luckhaus Stephan:
Asymptotic-expansion for a periodic boundary conditions,
Journal of Differential Equations 120 (1995) 133-173
- Filo Jan: Diffusivity versus absorption through the boundary,
Journal of Differential Equations 99 (1992) 281-305
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